Monday, May 24, 2010


I have spoken in front of huge crowd for lots of times. This i did whenever i do Balagtasan or Poem rectation or sometimes when campaigning for the election(whenever i was a candidate). However,I have never imagined myself speaking in front a huge crowd and on stage. And not just in front of a crowd but in front of my fellow graduates, in front of many achievers. So when the news arrived that i would deliver the response for the guest speaker's speech, i was dumbfounded. I felt as though i was going to puke and i did. I wasnt able to eat well and lost my apetite as graduation approaches. I was very pressured because i knew back then that i would speak on behalf of the graduates of my university and somehow, that would reflect our school's image. The additional pressure was the fact that i wasnt the top graduate nor i had the most achievement among the graduates. i was just a simple student, who, because of hardwork, perseverance and patient, was able to graduate cum laude and after undergoing screening, was chosen to compose and deliver a speech during gradation. And yes, did. However,i wouldn't say that it went very well.

Anyway,here is the copy of my response...(this is the draft. Can't find the final copy..i made this in a night)

To our distinguished speaker, Dr. Lucio Tan, our University President, Dr. Teresita L. Salva members of the board of Regents//Hon. Simeon E. Alarcon//, Hon. Vicente B. Carino,// Hon. Elsie F. Ceralbo,// Hon. Editha B. Estrella,// our Executive Vice-President Dr. Erlinda A. Ganapin, //distinguished officers of the administration,/ faculty and staff, /guests, /dear parents, /fellow graduates,/ ladies and gentlemen,/ good afternoon!
I stand before you today to speak on behalf of my fellow graduates. My role here is to be the voice of this year’s _____ graduates of Palawan State University.
Today/ is a momentous occasion for us graduates. We celebrate our triumph over hard work frustrations,/ disappointments,/ and financial difficulties\. Only a few have the privilege to march the center aisle/ and to receive the diploma on this stage/ We are those very few/ and this day… This is our day - our graduation and our commencement. Some of us might be wondering why those two seemingly antithetical words are both used to refer to this event. How come that the end is also the beginning?
Ladies and gentlemen, let us first look at the first word.
Graduation. This word refers to an end, the completion of our course that leads to our chosen field of endeavor. This is, undoubtedly, the result of our toil, perseverance and patience.
Fellow graduates/ today/ we have finished our academic requirements for our courses. Today/ we have the “feel good” experience /that comes from the knowledge/ that we have given and done our best. Today,\ though, as mature and freshly qualified adults,/ we recognize that we would not be able to make it without the back-ups. We didn’t do it alone./ All along the way we had the support of our families and the encouragement and help of our teachers and friends. I know my fellow graduates would like to join me in saying how much we appreciate all those who have helped us to get this far.
Fellow graduates, I would like you all to look up to the direction where our parents or guardians are seated./// Dear parents on behalf of the 2010 graduates we would like to say from our hearts -- this is what we are now. This is what we have reached and it is because of your gracious support, unending understanding, guidance, love and sacrifices.///Now let us look up to our teachers./// Beloved Teachers, see us enjoy the fruits of your inexhaustible patience. Thank you for equipping our minds with knowledge and skills we needed to learn/ to prepare us for a better future. ///Now, look at the person sitting next to you,/Classmate and now friend, over the past few years we pored over our textbooks together, we shared with one another our aspirations and enjoyed our free time together to derive inspiration and encouragement for one another. Our happiness and excitement today may be clouded by a tinge of sorrow but thanks to new technology; we are only a text or facebook away.
Let us also thank our siblings, who sometimes did the household chores for us to be able to concentrate on our review or in doing our projects. Likewise, we express our gratitude to our benefactors, who provided us various scholarships that helped tide us over our financial difficulties.
Above all, we thank our almighty God, who is the source of all wisdom and strength. Without Him, we wouldn’t have come this far and overcome the difficulties of a craggy college life.
Now the next word: Commencement. --- The beginning of a new phase in our lives. This is our very first leap to another arena -“the world of work”. This is the beginning of putting into practice what our university has taught us. From hereon our ambitions will take shape. Indeed, Palawan State University has equipped us with the competencies suitable for our chosen profession. However, as we step out the portals of this great institution, we must remember, that even though we have our diploma in our hands, the world is not obliged to treat us with kindness. It is a harsh world out there. Regardless of our field and workplace, whether we work overseas or not, we will be facing a fast-changing and highly competitive world of work and we need to keep up with it. We must continue improving and enriching the knowledge that we have gained throughout our stay in our university. We graduates know that the moment we come out of this edifice, we will be one of those who will take charge of our country. It means carrying on our shoulders many responsibilities, including taking the opportunity of helping this country prosper and bringing out positive change. We realize that now that we are graduates, every choice we make will affect our countrymen in one way or another. We can choose to excel in our field or be contented with what we have done. We can choose to stay in this country to serve our fellowmen whose taxes made us “iskolar ng bayan” or work abroad to render service to other people. We can choose to vote during the election or to not vote at all and be apathetic. Whatever choice we make we will remember that excellence is one of the shared values that our university has inculcated in us. Let us keep in mind that we are carrying the name of our school-Palawan State University and Palawan State University means excellence - and so we must be EXCEL!
To our guest of honor Dr. Lucio Tan, ladies and gentlemen - this is our response as graduates. We pledge to be EXCELLENT in whatever endeavor will go into, to help this country come out from the pit of scarcity and start positive change. We are the batch 2010 of Palawan State University - ang Pamantasan ng Estudyanteng Numero Uno.
Thank you very much and may God bless us all.

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