Monday, January 31, 2011

Happiness is a Decision

Captain Hook captured Wendy. They had a conversation.

Captain Hook:So tell me Wendy, why is that unskilful depraved kid can fly?
Wendy:Ah won’t tell you...
Captain Hook: (puzzled)
Wendy: Cause even if I tell you, you can’t do it anyway.
Captain Hook: (Eyebrows skewed. His hook was under her chin.)
Wendy: (afraid) Happy thoughts make Peter Pan fly!

I have been on a roller coaster of emotion last week.

I was sad, disappointed, exhausted, happy, inspired and invigorated.
One thing I realized is when you choose to be happy, then, you can be happy.

I’m too blessed to be depressed.

Here are the things that make me happy these days. Hope they can make me fly too!

I’ve received the greatest compliment I have ever heard. It is from one of my student. She said she wanted to be like me...a teacher who inspires! Mimicry is the greatest flattery.

I’m done with my mid-term exams for my seven subjects. Thank God!!(I’ve gained an eye bag because of that.)

I have availed a plane ticket for Manila for only 800.It’s still a bit more expensive than some promo fares but still, I have saved an amount!

I’m turning 21.(Matagal pa yun! But the thought that I am adding life to my years makes me really happy and thankful).

I feel well-loved by the people around me!
My family, my colleagues, friends, students and my mga “anak”.

I’ve met the man, who accepts me for what I am and who have promised me to be beside me in times of trials and triumphs. It’s really good to love and be loved back in return. I would not trade him with any other man in the world...I love to love!

Okay, I just made up the last one...No. 6 is yet to happen.

1 comment:

Emilio Santiago de Montemayor del Valle Escudero said...

Nice blog. I really enjoyed reading it. It felt like reading a personal diary. ^^ I have great respect to all teachers, they are the foundation of humanity. Keep up the good work!