Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hope List

The year has just begun. And I am the happiest person in the world because of that fact.I started the year with changes  in myself, not a drastic change though. I had a haircut!That's it!!It's just my way to remove all the negative vibes I got last year.Like my hair had something to do with my bad luck..LOL! But having new hairstyle for new year seems to give me a fresh start, fresh outlook and fresh feeling. Honestly, I felt like I died last year and I am going to resurrect this year.

Whoops, I think I am loosing track 'cause this entry will not focus in my new look. This will be about my aspirations and goals for this year. I did not entitled it WISH LIST because everybody of us(most especially the English teachers) know that we use "wish" when we ask for things that are impossible to happen.  Hope, on the otherwise, is use when what you ask for is more likely to happen. I believe I'll manage to realize all of my aspirations and hope this year. With God's help, of course!:)

This are my hopes for this year:

1.Go oversees... I want to go abroad for a vacation, but it will be really great if I'd go there to study. I hope someone will offer me a scholarship.I'd surely grab it!
2. Travel... Almost the same with my first hope...but this more of traveling within the boundary of my country and that is Philippines. This year, I want to go to Boracay, Davao, Bohol or Cebu City.It will be better if I'd  travel with my family.
3.Ipad... I want it badly!!!but my salary is just enough to be spent for my basic needs.
4. DSLR CAMERA...to capture my worth-keeping memories of my life. I love pictures really 'cause I'm really a visual person.
5. Be regular public school teacher...You know, I'm not totally hired yet.
6. HEALTH...no explanations needed.  :p
7.Become a writer... I'll write two novels this year and publish it in wattpad.com
8. Learn to Bake...
9. Learn Korean or Japanese... I plan to enroll to one free Korean/Japanese Language and culture lessons offered by TESDA. 
10. 8,000 views... for this blog of mine.
11.50,000... that's the amount of money I want to have in my saving's account this year. It's for security reason. Like when you needed money in case of emergency. I know how small my salary is but there's is no harm in hoping.I'd just probably to be stingy three-times than I am today or be regular a regular teacher so to have higher salary.
12. ZIP LINE... I want to try it. I think it will be really exciting. We have lots of it here in Puerto Princesa. I tried one but I want to try the higher one.

It's not too much right?

HAPPY 2012 everyone.:)


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